Ik geef training in frontend tools en stacks als HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Angular en Vue. Ik schrijf boeken en artikelen over tal van (ICT-) onderwerpen. Ik was lead developer en directeur bij Yindo - Jouw digitale bibliotheek. Je kunt mij volgen op Twitter(@PeterKassenaar).

In dit blog vind je persoonlijke artikelen, die niet noodzakelijk tech-gerelateerd zijn.

Views and expressions are my own.

Terug naar de algemene site.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day–or is it?

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You might have heard (or even believe) that “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. This is a common belief that a lot of consumers have. However, there is no conclusive scientific evidence to suggest whether breakfast is indeed the most im... [Meer]


Brainstorming - letting thoughts flow freely

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What we do In the world of Team IT at ProductIP in Ede, the Netherlands, our core task is clear: we develop applications for a Label Manager application and our core SaaS Platform, aligning with legislation and stakeholder requirements. We then modif... [Meer]